
Stinger Tech Support
Maintenance of Stinger Tech Support site, development of new tutorials (text, video, screen captures, etc.). This group may also include those working through Google Apps training.

Tech Tip Video Series
Determine a list of topics. Interview students and staff about the tech tool or problem. Demonstrate how to use the tool or solve the problem. Compile interviews and demonstration in a 1-1:30 long video that will be posted to the front page of the School Site and the Stinger Tech Support site. The goal is to produce one video per month.

Hour of Code
MM will organize and lead a collection of coding exercises for fellow SMS students to explore throughout the week. MM will also organize a set of links appropriate for elementary students (PreK-5) to practice computational thinking and simple coding activities.

Digital Learning Day
Media Medic Tech Slam Videos: Each member of the group will create a short video demonstrating educational technology. Slideshow, animation, demonstration, live action, etc. 45-60 seconds in length.
Team: All Media Medics

NJ Makers Day
"Fun Friday" activity for elementary and middle schools. MM will develop activities that allow fellow students to design, create, and experiment. Possible: reach out to GTSD families, local libraries, local businesses, and NJ Makers Day partners for guest speakers, volunteers, and supplies.
Team: All Media Medics